⚠️⚠️⚠️There was only one acceptable way for the government to handle the covid origins:

1 year ago

-Find the origin
-Tell the American People the truth
Not only did our government not do the bare minimum, they went great lengths to cover up the man-made origin.
About the photo:
How's those sanctions against Russia doing ya Germany 😂😂😂
Germany's chemical industry is on the verge of collapse due to the conflict in Ukraine.
The Association of the German Chemical Industry handed over a document to the country's Chancellor Olaf Scholz, from which it follows that the German chemical industry is facing massive job losses due to a decline in production.
The document notes that the third-largest industry is significantly dependent on energy prices, which have been steadily rising due to the conflict in Ukraine.
As a result, the ineffective energy policy of the German government and support for the Ukrainian conflict is forcing many production facilities to move to cheaper sites abroad.
This year the decline has already amounted to 16.5%, and in 2022 – about 20%.
“The decline in production and loss of orders are depriving our industry of self-confidence. Politicians should not stand by and simply follow what is happening,” the document says.
Translated from Anna_news
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