Exodus 3:1-4:17 Bible Study - God speaks to Moses! The great "I AM" statement.

8 months ago

This week we look at Exodus 3.1-4.17 and the story of God talking to Moses through the burning bush. Within this text we see God call Moses to be his mouthpiece and instrument to show his wonders and to bring the Israelites out of Egyptian bondage. We also see God define Himself as the great I AM. Outline below.

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02:12 - Exodus Chapter 3
06:26 - Tending the Flocks - Moses was a shepherd for 40 yrs in Midian. King David was also a lowly shepherd before he was called to be the future king (1 Sam. 16.11).
09:06 - Horeb, the Mountain of God, Mount Horeb or Mount Sinai? Ras Safsafa or Jabal Mousa?
11:18 - An Angel of the Lord. Was it a Theophany, an Angelophany, or a Christophany and what do each of those mean?
14:01 - Fire from within a bush.
16:00 - Fire - God is often represented by fire. Examples: Exodus 13.21; 19.18; 24.17; Deuteronomy 4.24; Judges 13.20; 1Kings 18.24-39; Hebrews 12.29, “our God is a consuming fire”
16:59 - Take off your sandals, holy ground
17:38 - I am the God of your father, of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. You know me, I am the same God you have heard all the stories about….
18:52 - What is God’s Name? What is the Tetragrammaton? I AM that I AM, I AM, YHWH, Adonai, Elohim, Yahweh, Jehovah. Revelation 1.8, Matthew 6.9-13; John 8.48-59.
29:26 - 3 day journey
31:44 - You will not leave empty-handed
33:32 - Exodus 4.1-17
36:25 - Moses’ Doubts
39:34 - Exodus 4.3 - why did God turn Moses’ staff into a snake?
Uraeus is the symbol of the Egyptian goddess Wadjet.
44:45 - Application: God can use anyone. Numbers 12.3, 1 Corinthians 1.26-31.
48:21 - final thoughts - be encouraged to take a leap of faith

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