BFGC - Sep 24, 2023 Sevens of Redemption

1 year ago

The world, and unfortunately most believers in the Body of Yeshua today, have no idea about Yehovah's Seven Day Plan of Redemption for mankind. They think God has some random time frame for His creation and then everything will come to an end, when enough people are saved from their sins and repent. Believers are told to get busy with evangelism and spread the "Good News", so Yeshua can come back sooner. No one knows the magic number that needs to be saved, but believers just need to work hard at being good and then trust God to sort it all out when the end comes. That type of theology leads to weak faith and no eternal fruit in the Kingdom of Yehovah today.

God DOES have a plan and He gave believers the road map in His Word, so that they can know the times and the seasons, and know when the end of this age will occur. All throughout the Bible Yehovah paints a picture of the Seven Day creation pattern and then reinforces it over and over again, in His Seven Moedim and His Mosaic Commandments. There are six days of toil and work, and then there is a time of Sabbath Rest. The righteous and obedient will enjoy the fruits of their labor and will have a time of rest provided by God. The Mosaic Laws of clean and unclean paint a picture of the unclean for a period of seven days and then based upon obedience and sanctification rules, a restoration back to a clean status that is needed for fellowship with Yehovah.

God's Plan for the redemption of mankind, includes sending a savior to pay the price for sinful people, two days for the Gentiles to evangelize the world for Yeshua, a major cleanup of the wicked and sanctification of the whole earth prior to a day of Sabbath Rest, and then finally on the Eighth Day, full restoration and fellowship with Yehovah in the New Jerusalem for eternity. We are very near to the end of the sixth day and the Great Tribulation upon the earth will be the removal of the wicked, in preparation for the 1000 years of Shalom. Get busy for Yeshua and do the work of the harvest that He has called you to do.

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Sanctify the Name of Yehovah the Father

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