Watermelon rind candy is amazing!!! 🍉

9 months ago

Watermelon rind candy is amazing!!! 🍉

Don’t toss your watermelon rinds out! Make this candy and you will be so glad you didn’t waste it:

1. Peel your watermelon so that only the white rind is left and cut them into stripes for easier drying at the end.
2. Soak in salt water overnight, strain and wash off the next morning.
3. Simmer for 1 hour and strain out the water.
4. Make a syrup with 3 cups water, 3 cups sugar and cut up a lemon. Add the rinds and boil for 45 mins.
5. Strain and cover the rinds in sugar or add a little citric acid to the sugar for sourness!
6. Place on parchment paper in dehydrator for 36 hours or until dry. It’s okay if the inside is a little squishy!

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