FINAL HOAX - Since WW1 1914-17

1 year ago

We had SO much great technology.. and they stole it.. now using against innocent FREEDOM loving souls.
People, be very careful of the power you seek to possess, because it will always end up possessing you.
SLAVES to the EVIL ONE, the Father of Lies!
Master of Deception.
As for the Book of Enoch, my mind and heart doesn't and will not buy it.
Too many things do NOT rhyme with the Holy Bible.
The devil satan (evil enemy) is the AUTHOR of confusion.
Same with the Sumerian cuneiform texts. TRUTH mixed with lie after lie.
Most people get that story reversed and upside down.
I do NOT recommend Sitchin books be read, unless you have a truly solid foundation in Scripture and Faith. Their story will make you feel just like the enemy desires you to ~ like an insignificant ant.

Nephilim + Human = Rephaim hybrids, followed by Khazarians, etc.
They are among us in human form, but are inhuman and inhumane.
Demonic spirits seek out human souls to possess, via pathways of weakness, or personal demons. They can not longer manifest physical bodies, unless assisted by human technology (baby factories or other lab science).

Look for my other videos on this subject.

One more insight.. while those locusts in Revelations appear to be "choppers", the inference weighs heavily that their stingers induce demonic possession.
How else would a human seek death / suicide and not be able to do so, unless some other force [ad]using their physical soul was in resistant control?!? Keep your temple clean and mind clear!

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