Think with me on this

1 year ago

If America held on to the principle that this nation is of the people, by the people, and for the people, as well as the God-given unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happines as much as we cling to the 2nd amendment we’d be in very different circumstances.

The first helps people thrive in peace and cooperation, the latter is rooted in a fundamental sense of scarcity.

America is blessed when we understand we are ALL children of the divine, here to love and cooperate with each other. America falls into folly when we think our notion of God is to be forced down people’s throats.

The systemic and collective injustices need to be rectified individually as well.

May this week be one in which we all get a little closer.

*robovoice courtesy of my car’s mic picking the sound instead of the phone 💀*
#usa #america #constitution #life #liberty #happiness #joy #God #politics #domesticpolicy #trump #biden #democracy #mariannewilliamson #marianne2024

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