Biblical Truths Revealed: Messages in Plain Sight

9 months ago

Biblical Truths Revealed: Messages in Plain Sight

The Bible has been an interesting journey for me. Until recently I paid very little attention to scripture because of all the doubts around the origins, the amount of aggression that came from others who gave their interpretations and also how much lies and deception that has come from the Church and Religion during my lifetime

The more I went on my spiritual journey the stronger my connection became with God.

Meditations are the Gateway to Gods Kingdom within me and every single time I become One With the creator. I AM

So my resistance was always came when people, especially Pastors who quoted scripture and continued to share the stories with messages like

"You are a Sinner"
"Only Jesus can save you"

and everything you are seeking is outside of you.

This is a BIG LIE, yet they always would back up their words with text

The Bible can only be viewed from interpretation of the reader and if we took the time ourselves to read exactly what is written, everything is there in Plain Site

You Are God
You Are Christ
God and Christ are within you
You are powerful
You are unique
You are Children of the Light
You are Children of God.

It says it and it is there for all of us to read

So what does this mean? It means that the person reading, is the only person that can give it meaning for it to be a truth.

Words are from the mind, so words in a book, words from the past, words from the messenger can only be pointers to the truth, they can never be the full truth.

We can never put God into words. Words can only describe a fractal of who and what God truly is.

Your feelings are from within you, so only you can deScribe your feelings.

You are the Scribe to your life

You deScribe your experience (soul) and feelings (body) which then you give the meaning (mind)

Soul, Mind, Body

There is so much magic in these text which we then can apply to our life. We can use this to point us in the right direction to know how powerful we truly are

God Wins

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