Perfect Dark Combat Simulator Custom Setup (Actual N64 Capture) - Complex

1 year ago

This is a capture of one of my custom Combat Simulator setups in Perfect Dark for the Nintendo 64. This is not an emulator. This footage was recorded directly from my Nintendo 64 using an actual Perfect Dark cartridge.

I purchased Perfect Dark on its release day back in 2000 and proceeded to create various custom Combat Simulator setups, all of which are straight deathmatches. I am showcasing my setups because I think they're fun and people would enjoy trying them. Some of these setups are approximately 15 years old.

The Complex is another legacy map from Goldeneye and is just about as fun as the Temple and Felicity (aka Facility), although I think Felicity is the best. This setup is simply a well-rounded one with machine guns, a Rocket Launcher, mines and a shotgun. You can set up a base anywhere you like using the Laptop Gun and Remote Mines, or you can run around wielding Double Cyclones. It's really up to you.

If you get on top of the area where the Rocket Launcher spawns, you can camp there and fire rockets at the enemy Simulants as they try to rush toward you. However, sometimes they'll get stuck in other areas of the map for no apparent reason, so you may have to go on the hunt.

Here's the setup for this game.

Scenario: Combat

Arena: Complex

1. Shotgun
2. Laptop Gun
3. Remote Mine
4. Dragon
5. Rocket Launcher
6. Cyclone

10 minutes
Score: 30
Team Score: 45

1. KazeSim (Perfect Difficulty - Blue Team)
2. CowardSim (Perfect Difficulty - Blue Team)
3. VengeSim (Perfect Difficulty - Blue Team)
4. RocketSim (Perfect Difficulty - Blue Team)
5. ShieldSim (Perfect Difficulty - Blue Team)

The background music is Crash Site X.

Recorded with the Hauppauge HD PVR and the official N64 S-video cable with native widescreen mode enabled. I used a Toshiba model D-R550 DVD Recorder to standardize the N64's native 240p/480i signal so that the Hauppauge could capture the console's audio/video signal.

I'm using a standard Nintendo 64 controller.

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