What is Your Impression of God?

1 year ago

The mindset of a believer is premised on what he believes to be true about God. Wrong thinking will produce wrong believing which will produce wrong confessions and eventually undesirable result. Ordinarily, the way of God differs from man's. Isaiah 55:7-9
So, we as humans need accurate information about God.

All there is to know has been given to us in the scriptures (2 Timothy 3:15-17) which should shape our mindset and steer us to right believing. Right believing will produce accurate confessions and this will produce right result.

Through reorientation of our minds in the word of God, we are able to submit to the transformation God offers in Christ. Romans 12:2

This has to be so because, man is incapable of finding his own path by himself. Finding our path unaided is too much risk to take knowing that we are here by the providence of God in the first place. Proverbs 14:12.
He is so equipped to find his way in God. Jeremiah 10:23. He would need to depend of higher power, God in this case to steer his course, if he would stay humble under God's power. He was created to stay obedient voluntarily under God's command, a gift of liberty. Genesis 1:26-30, 2:18-19

But because of a false promise of independence from a curious quarter, man fell from grace and dominion to become slave of sin and death. Genesis 3:4-6, 13.
Man is still vulnerable to the subtlety of Satan today. 2 Corinthians 11:3.

In the same manner, we need help to have accurate information about God.
That help is offered in the Holy Scriptures, when it is soundly interpreted.
God is revealed us to us in Christ. We will have good knowledge of God if we look to him in Christ, who is the way, the straight way to the narrow gate. John 14:6, Matthew 7:13-14

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