Russell Brand and his Transition from Socialism & Katy Perry to Great Reset New Age Conspiracy Grifter! Unlisted Video

9 months ago

On today's episode of the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture with Isaac Weishaupt podcast we talk about Russell Brand! We'll talk about who he is, the list of allegations (including very questionable clips like him offering up a woman for Jimmy Saville as well as asking to sleep with a woman's 15 year old daughter), his relationships with Katy Perry and connections to the Rothschilds family, his supporter conspiracy theorists, religious and political views (*like how he pushed for a socialist egalitarian earth saving Great Reset just a few years ago), overthrowing the government and looking at big questions like why he's allowed to have a YouTube channel when everyone else gets banned for using the same terms and topics!

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Breaking Social Norms Russell Brand episode (*we talk more about the social issues with women on this):

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