Lee Milteer "The Blonde Warrior" Interviews Perry Marshall: How to Excel by Elimination

9 months ago

The Blonde Warrior of Solutions Lee Milteer interviews Perry Marshall about his book DETOX,
DECLUTTER, DOMINATE: How to Excel by Elimination.
Most of us business owners and entrepreneurs are always needing new ways to look at our
lives and our businesses.
Here are some facts about Perry and why you should listen to what he has to say. He’s is
one of the most expensive business strategists in the world. Endorsed in Forbes and Inc.
magazines, he has guided clients like LoanBuilder and Infusionsoft from start-up to
hundreds of millions of dollars in profit. Perry’s Google books laid the foundations for the

$100 billion Pay- Per-Click industry. His Ultimate Guide to Google Ads is the world’s best-
selling book on internet advertising. Perry founded the $10 Million Evolution 2.0 Prize, with

judges from Harvard, Oxford, and MIT. Launched at the Royal Society in London, it’s the
world’s largest science research award. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory uses his 80/20
Curve as a productivity tool. His re-formulation of the Pareto Principle is published in
Harvard Business Review.
Leverage Lee Milteer’s wealth of knowledge to help you take your business to the next
level—join Lee Milteer’s Success Smarts Club! Learn more at milteer.com/smarts-club/
Website: https://milteer.com/
Five Types of Energy: https://milteer.com/five-types-of-energy/
Success Smarts Club: https://milteer.com/smarts-club/
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