Jeremy Nearly Doubled His Deal Volume in 12 Months With Streaming TV Ads - Here's How | 166

8 months ago

Show Notes:
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00:00:00 - Introduction
00:01:06 - Targeted TV Ads for Motivated Sellers
00:06:42 - Jeremy's Real Estate Journey
00:09:45 - Marketing Channels Prior to TV Ads
00:11:51 - Targeting Leads with TV Ads
00:12:53 - Excitement about the Possibilities of Connected TV
00:13:27 - Tracking the Effectiveness of Connected TV Advertising
00:15:07 - Cost and Reach of Connected TV Advertising
00:16:34 - Benefits of Connected TV Advertising
00:19:14 - Investor CTV: A Done-for-You Service
00:25:32 - Targeting Specific Audiences for Land Investors
00:27:25 - The Power of Frequency and Reach
00:28:45 - Platforms and Inventory
00:30:08 - Cost-Effectiveness and Potential for Growth
00:35:53 - Limitations and Overcoming Challenges
00:38:40 - Non-Skippable vs. Skippable Ads
00:39:41 - Customizing Campaigns and Budgets
00:42:01 - Reinforcing Credibility and Legitimacy
00:45:47 - Competition and Niche Targeting
00:48:41 - Targeting Specific Lists and Granularity
00:50:52 - The Potential of Using TV Ads in Marketing
00:51:36 - Quantifying the Results of TV Ads
00:55:50 - Supporting TV Ads with Other Marketing Strategies
00:57:15 - The Value of Online Land Leads
01:00:02 - The Importance of Follow-Up in Land Investing
01:02:36 - Targeting Specific Audiences
01:03:00 - Radio Advertising Effectiveness
01:03:34 - Radio Streaming Ads
01:04:08 - Marketing Budget Allocation
01:05:14 - Minimum Volume for Streaming TV Ads

Today, I’m talking with a recent acquaintance named Jeremy Resmer.

Jeremy Resmer contacted me recently because he's been using a new marketing tactic to find motivated sellers with TV ads.

Not long ago, I talked with another land investor named Larry Jarnigo, who has also tried this out and has seen pretty decent results with it. But Larry was doing this for more of a conventional TV medium, where the commercials appear on network television and are aired as 30-second TV spots.

Jeremy’s approach is a bit different. He created and tested it for 12 months and went from doing 48 to 86 deals without changing anything in their marketing for those 12 months, so there's pretty strong evidence that it has made a notable improvement. Jeremy's current focus is on houses, but as we’ve seen with everything else house wholesalers do, this kind of thing can just as well be used for land.

In this episode, Jeremy will explain exactly how this works, its role among his other marketing strategies, and the kinds of real estate investors this makes sense for.

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