God's special message to those targeted by Oppressors. Pt.18 of 'Forgiveness: What it is vs. is not'

9 months ago

Too often, those who've been harmed by willfully malicious and evil people (referred to as Oppressors in the Bible) are told they should simply forget about the injury, forget about the injustice, forget that the perpetrator has never confessed, repented, and changed. Instead, they are told to drop the matter, and move on. They are told that is is better to be a "peacemaker ," as that is apparently the pathway of spiritual blessing. But, is that true? Is that what it means to be a peacemaker, or is that a distortion of what Jesus meant? Simply put, that is a distortion of the "beatitudes," (found in Mt. 5 & Lk. 6). The question is, then, "What did Jesus actually mean by "Blessed are the poor, and the peacemakers, and how would the hearers have understood what He said?" For those who've been targeted by persecutors and oppressors, the special message Jesus gave in his first major sermon will be good news. The message will likely surprise and encourage you, especially if you've been told that to be "poor in spirit" is to be selfless, and a "peacemaker" is someone who doesn't make waves by speaking truth about an oppressor.

In this episode of his extended series on 'Forgiveness: What it is vs. what it is not,' Journey to Healing host, Jon K. Uhler, LPC, looks at the 2 categories of people who have an unusual degree of care and concern from God, as spelled out by Jesus, in the beginning of Jesus' first major public sermon. The good news He delivered was intended to strengthen and bolster those select individuals, prior to addressing the rest of the crowd. Who were those people that he give a special personalized preamble to, before giving his message to everyone listening? The answer may surprise you.

Current Series on Forgiveness: What it is vs. What it is not.
(Pt. 1) Do You Have to Forgive Everyone, even if They're Not Sorry? What's the Truth? https://youtu.be/x-uF0HMji5E
(Pt. 2) Dispelling the Myth of Unconditional Forgiveness. https://youtu.be/oea9c-Wzp4I
(Pt. 3) God's Cares Deeply for those Wounded & Harmed, NOT for the Hurtful Pigs & Perps. https://youtu.be/oQrWh0H_ANY
(Pt. 4) Discerning when it is time to forgive. https://youtu.be/kZs2-oDvwts
(Pt. 5) Understanding when forgiveness is NOT to be extended. https://youtu.be/uFQK9TSufA8
(Pt. 6-a) What does it mean to "Love your enemies"? Did Jesus mean everyone no matter what? https://youtu.be/59CNctLJm8I
(Pt. 6-b) What does it mean to "Love your enemies"? Did Jesus mean everyone no matter what?
(Pt. 7) Does "Love your enemies" mean everyone? Jesus' actual word might surprise you. https://youtu.be/JVcW1gDhsZs
(Pt. 8) What exactly did Jesus mean by "Love your enemies?"
(Pt. 9) How does God feel about those who've harmed you?
(Pt. 10) God's justice will actively target oppressors on behalf of those they've hurt. https://youtu.be/Ww-ikamZ2CE
(Pt. 11) God's Heart is for the Oppressed, NOT the Oppressor.
(Pt. 12) Categories of Pain that move God's heart toward the Oppressed.
(Pt. 13) God's Good News to Those Harmed by Unrepentant Oppressors.
(Pt. 14) Blessed are the Oppressed, but Woe to the Oppressors!
(Pt. 15) Blessed are the Protective, who step up to protect the poor from pigs, dogs, & Oppressors.
(Pt. 16) Peacemakers are NOT "nice" people. They are Protective.
(Pt. 17) Peacemakers are anything but nice to Oppressors.

Jon K. Uhler, LPC, and Journey to Healing, can be watched live on TECNTV.com, Friday nights, 8-9pm EST in the US.

Additional Journey to Healing Episodes
Can you discern the difference between a wounded person vs. a manipulative pig? (Pt. 1)
Can you discern the difference between a wounded person vs. a manipulative pig? (Pt. 2)
The inevitable result of not identifying pigs in your life? (Pt. 1)
The inevitable result of not identifying pigs in your life? (Pt. 2)
Why Being Nice Sets You Up For Being Used. (Pt 1)
Why Being Nice Sets You Up For Being Used. (Pt. 2)
When Loving Them Is Harming You. (Pt. 1)
When Loving Them Is Harming You. (Pt. 2)
The High Cost of Having Patience with a Pig. (Pt. 1)
The High Cost of Having Patience with a Pig. (Pt. 2)
The inevitable result of assuming another person's responsibility (Pt 1)
The inevitable result of assuming another person's responsibility (Pt 2)

For earlier recorded Episodes, visit: https://www.survivorsupport.net/podcasts

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