Stucco plastering a brick chimney.

9 months ago

Stucco plastering a brick chimney.

Below are all the basic tools we use and recommend on Amazon’s website.

A comment often asked is about using bonding agents,
Don’t dilute bonding agents such as Quikrete or Weld-Crete when applying basecoats or concrete.
Remember, all bonding agents applied are only as good as the surface they’re applied to.
For example, the bonding agent won’t be as effective if a surface is not clean enough to eat off.

Does someone need a bonding agent for clean bricks, cement concrete, or blocks? No, but again it has to be clean, dust-free, and not painted.

Note; No stucco wire is necessary. In fact, stucco netting is counterproductive.
I’m giving some tips on resurfacing bricks with cement stucco in this video.

Last tip, scratch coats are not necessary for any porous walls, including, as in this video, bricks, Cinder blocks, Cement Blocks, Terra Cotta walls, or any other cementitious substrate. Instead, fill to the correct thickness; if you need to apply more than one coat, do so.

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