Gavin Newsom: ‘I’m Not Worthy,’ Biden Deserves Nomination

1 year ago

CUOMO: “Why not you if you really care that much about the issues? I know you say you’re not running, which is unusual to put a period at it.”
NEWSOM: “Yeah. Exclamation point.”
CUOMO: “If you care, why don’t you run?”
NEWSOM: “Because I believe in this guy. I actually — you know why?”
CUOMO: “You think Joe Biden is the best the Democrats can do?”
NEWSOM: “And I hope you can differentiate, because your B.S. meter is one of the best, because you’ve been around this all your life. I don’t like this guy. I have deep respect, reverence for Joe Biden as a person, his character, his decency, and his capacity to do great things. That’s why I’m not worthy of that conversation. This guy deserves it and we, as members of party, deserve to have his back more forcefully. And none of that nonsense. All of these quiet conversations you’ve been in, we’ve all been in, folks talking behind his back, they become headlines. And we’re all chasing that right now. We gotta get on the team. We gotta get this guy reelected and we got to stop all the navel-gazing and the hand-wringing and all the behind-the-scenes quiet conversations off-the-record that tend to find their way into the press as, you know, ‘sources close to.’”

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