I'm done playing basketball...

7 months ago

I'm done hooping right now I'm ONLY out for a few more weeks.. I wanted all of you to see the footage of the incident. We will release the full 1v1 soon on NEXT CHAPTER. Stay tuned for the next series on my channel with NEW faces 👀🍿🔥 including the following hoopers from different YouTube groups.

Chauncy & Tee Time: SAVAGE SQUAD
Dom & PeShon: INTHELAB
Kam & Scar: Friga Fam
Who is going to win the $5,000

I dislocated my shoulder recently which puts me off the court for a few weeks. This video chronicles the moment it happened and what lies ahead for me. Although the title may suggest otherwise, this is just a pause, not a full stop on my basketball journey. I'll be hitting the gym and starting physical therapy soon to bounce back stronger. In the meantime, the channel won't skip a beat – I'll be here, hosting engaging content and keeping the basketball spirit alive. Stick around as I navigate through this phase and stay tuned for some unique content coming your way. Your support means the most fasho💯

#Friga #Basketball #InjuryUpdate

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