Episode 47C - Would you have sumo wrestlers do cardio? Jonathan Mike PhD

9 months ago

Jonathan Mike, Ph.D., currently teaches in the exercise science and sports performance program at Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, AZ, USA. He has worked as a strength and conditioning coach and has contributed to dozens of online fitness, strength, and consumer outlets in the country. He has been involved with NSCA and previously served on numerous committees and special interest groups and has spoken at over 70 events including many for NSCA, ISSN, NASM, and numerous other fitness organizations. Jonathan has authored numerous peer-reviewed and scientific publications and has written 12 book chapters related to sports nutrition and strength and conditioning. Jonathan is a sought-after presenter nationally and internationally.

About the Show
We cover all things related to sports science, nutrition, and performance. The Sports Science Dudes represent the opinions of the hosts and guests and are not the official opinions of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN), the Society for Sports Neuroscience, or Nova Southeastern University. The advice provided on this show should not be construed as medical advice and is purely an educational forum.

Hosted by Jose Antonio PhD
Dr. Antonio is the co-founder and CEO of the International Society of Sports Nutrition and the co-founder of the Society for Sports Neuroscience, www.issn.net. Dr. Antonio has over 120 peer-reviewed publications, and 16 books, and is a Professor at Nova Southeastern University, Davie, Florida in the Department of Health and Human Performance.

Twitter: @JoseAntonioPhD
Instagram: the_issn and supphd

Co-host Anthony Ricci EdD
Dr Ricci is an expert on Fight Sports and is currently an Assistant Professor at Nova Southeastern University in Davie Florida in the Department of Health and Human Performance.

Instagram: sportpsy_sci_doc and fightshape_ricci

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