E:1284 22-07-23- Super Joe Double Followed By Tim Gomez Upper Deck 2nd HR of the Night! (435 feet)

1 year ago

E:1284 22-07-23- PGH (76-25) @ MIL (54-49) - Super Joe

Super Joe Double Followed By Tim Gomez Upper Deck 2nd HR of the Night! (435 feet). Gomez Season 12th!

Behind two Tim Gomez home runs (11, 12), the Pirates won 9-3. Gomez was 2-4 with 2 HR and 5 RBI, raising his average to .261. Morgan got the win (12-1)(6,6/3/3/2/8)(2.21)

Super Joe: .460 | 3-4, 2r (131)(1160), 2B (31)(361), 3B (15)(125), RBI (168)(1169)

Attendance: 40,416

1st, +24G -- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/joeyinzer

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