Aelie Swift, Founder Hello Amino

7 months ago

Malcolm Forbes wrote, “Food may be essential as fuel for the body, but good food is fuel for the soul.”

Aelie Swift has been in the food industry since 2008 creating delicious, gluten-free meals catered to those with food allergies.

Her passion has been inspiring women over 40 to get fit and eat more protein.

After 5 years in the fitness industry, Aelie noticed how women struggle to eat enough protein and how they would constantly food shame themselves, feeling guilty for enjoying a little indulgence.

Aelie saw an opportunity to create a solution that allowed women to get back to eating pancakes on the weekend and baking cookies with their kids while getting the protein they need.

She became the Founder of Hello Amino, a company that introduced high protein, gluten free baking mixes and yummy teas.

Their protein packed mixes allow customers to enjoy the foods they love while getting the protein they need.

All Hello Amino recipes are chef-crafted and created by Aelie and her husband, Mclain, who is the chocolate lover in the family, creating the protein brownies and pudding mixes.

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