Charlie Brown

1 year ago

I had a chip on my shoulder during this recording and I was at times aggressive. Don’t take anything too seriously. I’m not saying I’m sorry, but maybe I was over the top on a few parts. Oh well! / Tales from Jury Duty. / Learned a NEW WORD today! Boofing? WUT? / White thread in the middle of her butt. To tell her or not to tell her? / Marxist time travel paradox! / Epic then and now commentary. / The historically perverted Howard Stern hypocritically disses Lauren Boebert for being frisky on a date.

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FOLLOW Copy Who on SOCIAL MEDIA:YouTube CopyWhoClips Channel:
0:00 - Intro

7:27 - Learned a New Word

10:00 - Booger in the Nose

13:50 - Jury Duty

22:35 - Marxist Time Travel

27:15 - Charlie Brown with a CHIP on my Shoulder

28:32 - Ascension

30:25 - Casa Bonita

34:00 - Then and Now

54:15 - Howard Stern disses Lauren Boebert

62:48 - Wrap Up

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