Live Chat IndusTokens - review 2023.9.25-26

9 months ago

Live Chat IndusTokens
- review 2023.9.25-26

Opening: London Boy ( (Lyric Video)
Close: Wake Me Up When September Ends

( the Bible
- Daniel 2:34
- 1 Cor 1:27

Zodiac and More
- Lunar 8.11-12 Julian 9.12-13
- Ukraine War D578-9
- 267-8 day 97-6 days left

Today ( ( ( (, 9.26 ( ( In History (
AP 9.25 (,9.26

( to the future
1. Code in Chinese
-Huawei 光辉岁月 ( 、孟晚舟
( World affairs
- Elon Musk X sunglasses ( -vax tweet ( -Yoga AI
( Wizard 2023.9.26 ( - CA farmland
- Trump - 5 months ( ( ( Gun ( ( Plane (
- Biden - exit AirforceOne ( - mug
( Financials
- 东芝 Toshiba delisted
( HSBC crypto for Mortgage payments ( Shiba XRP DOGE
- Ford UAW deal ( - EV battery
( Health
- Possible remedies to manage Cancer: Ivermectin ( / black salve ( / Probiotic
( Blue light - puberty?

( for balance

Enjoy The Journey!

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