PEACE News & Views Ep93 with guest Matt Avery, AKA "Master Roachee"

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PEACE News & Views Ep93 with guest Matt Avery, AKA "Master Roachee"

Join joint hosts Siir SteveO & Kim Cooper for a chat with patient consumer and entrepreneur Matt Avery, AKA "Master Roachee" on NOK Network

Matt Avery, AKA Master Roachee, has had a relationship with cannabis for over 40 years as a consumer, patient, grower and activist. He is also a herbalist, entrepreneur and cannabis advocate. Master Roachee believes in the ability of cannabis to serve as a medicine and catalyst for economic development along with everyone else at Master Roachee's Garden
"Master Roachee’s Garden is the business that I started back in 2021. We offer products that promote focus, health, sleep, general wellness as well as reducing stress and anxiety. I started this company out of the desire to give people the opportunity for easy access to natural and holistic remedies along with other natural products. Our focus is on Hemp derived products for the Health and Beauty market. We are founded on the idea of helping people through natural products."

Join Siir SteveO and Kim Cooper on PEACE News & Views for their conversation with Mater Roachee on NOK Network

#PEACEnewsandviews #NOKnetwork #WeedyWednesdays

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