8 months ago

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Pastor Andrew Russell preaches on Luke 19:1-27. Jericho was a wealthy and important city. It was near a main route for trade. It was about 17 miles (27 kilometres) from Jerusalem. Zacchaeus was the head of the tax district of Jericho. He would not have been popular. He worked for the Romans and had made himself rich by his job. He had heard that Jesus was a friend of tax-collectors. Zacchaeus was a lonely man, so he was eager to see Jesus. He was a short man, but the crowd would not let him through. So, he forgot his important official position. He climbed into a tree that grew by the road. The tree was one with a short main stem and wide branches. He could climb it easily. Jesus said that he ‘must’ stay with him. It was part of his work for God. Everyone called Zacchaeus a ‘sinner’. They did not think that Jesus should go into his home.

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