Romans 6, Sanctification gives us freedom, but that freedom is not a license, watch and see.

11 months ago

Paul told us in chapter 5 that death reigned over all mankind through the disobedience of Adam and righteousness and justification reigns over all who are faithful through the obedience of Yeshua Messiah (Romans 5:16-17).

Paul makes it clear the contrast between the disobedience of Adam and the obedience of Messiah led to the justification of His people (Romans 5:18-19).

It is by Elohim that all of Israel is justified through Messiah (Isa. 45:25).

The term "justified" in the Hebrew means "made righteous." Up to this chapter, Paul has not discussed the set-apart life His people should lead (except for "do not judge if you are engaging in that same sin" in chapter 2). He has been talking only about salvation and that it is not achieved by the works or words of the individual.

From chapter 6 on, Paul is not going to discuss the salvation of the chosen, but the life that the child of Elohim should be leading. This falls in line with the discussion of justification and sanctification.

Up to chapter 6, Paul has been discussing justification, or salvation by the graciousness of Elohim through His faithfulness which we receive as a gift from the Father.

From chapter 6 on, Paul is going to discuss the process of sanctification, or the Spirit of Elohim at work in our lives to give us a new nature and desire in our lives. A true union with Messiah as our Master means that we are no longer slaves to sin and we will break free from that bondage. Sanctification gives us freedom, but that freedom is not a license, as we shall soon see.

Beit Yeshua Torah Assembly

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