Remembering The Heroic Guide Dogs Of 9/11

6 years ago

Just because you work for biscuits doesn't mean your job is any less important. The rescue dogs on-site at the Twin Towers both during and immediately following 9/11 made sure their noses - and their personalities - were always there whenever a human needed either.

Working dogs are trained to ignore loud noises when their owners are in need. When the Twin Towers were hit, two guide dogs by the names of Roselle and Salty ignored the sounds of the towers collapsing around them, as they led their blind owners to safety. Because it was their job.

The two Golden Retrievers took their owners down 70 flight of stairs engulfed in fire and smoke, letting the firefighters who climbed up to pet them. The two canine heroes shared the Dickin Medal from the People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals in 2002.

Over 100 search and rescue dogs worked tirelessly on Ground 0 during and after the devastating event. When they weren’t working, the dogs offered comfort to those who were in pain or have suffered a loss. These dogs breathed smoke and dust while searching for survivors, while their paws would get bruised or cut, so veterinarians were on the site to provide comfort for the furry heroes as well.

The last surviving 9/11 rescue dog, Bretagne, died in 2016 and received a hero’s funeral in her hometown of Cyprus, Texas

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