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Q/A with Annamarie 9/27/23 Answering Your PROPHETIC, DREAM and FAITH Questions!

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Q/A with Annamarie 9/27/23 Answering Your PROPHETIC, DREAM and FAITH Questions!
Wednesday Morning @11am Eastern!

Join Faith and Victory Coach Annamarie Strawhand and Team for Biblical teaching, inspiration, encouragement - Holy Spirit led life strategies, prophetic words of knowledge, Biblical dream interpretation for your life and purpose!

Please be courteous and supportive to others here so you and them can receive the word being given by Annamarie through the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Please respect my moderators. We ask you to not cause discord or distractions from the teachings. Thank you.

Questions? Contact Annamarie through her website: https://www.annamariestrawhand.com/

This ministry is NOT a 501c3 - Jesus Christ is the head of our ministry. Mark 12:17

#prophetic #biblical #holyspirit #annamariestrawhand #faithlaneTV


  • 0/2000
  • You did a dream interpretation about my dad after he passed back in 2020. Recently my brother passed. I saw him I a dream with my dad. The back ground was brown, olive and dark gray. My was standing on the left of in front of me. My brother JeVon was on the right of my father. Both in front of me. My brother was looking at the floor and my dad at me with a stare. Then after that I got a call my brother passed in Phoenix on the streets.

  • What is your understanding or teaching on Bread of life