Black Seed Oil - The Most Notable Health Benefits Associated with it.

1 year ago

Black seed oil is extracted from the fruit of the Nigella sativa plant, a small flowering plant that grows in Southwest Asia, the Middle East, and Southern Europe. And it's been around for a while: It's commonly used in Ayurveda, a holistic medicine practice that originated in India, and Unani Tibb medicine, which is traditionally practiced in Muslim cultures in South and Central Asia. Recorded use of black seed oil dates back to the 1600s, Rachelle Robinett, RH (AHG) founder of Supernatural and herbalist, tells us.

What is black seed used for?
"It's also known as Nigella and black cumin seed," says Robinett. "Nigella is a member of the Ranunculaceae, or buttercup family, along with goldenseal, black cohosh, and yellowroot, which are also excellent herbs, though with different benefits from black seed oil. Like many plants that grow in difficult climates or conditions and develop natural defense mechanisms, Nigella passes those along to us. It's very much a superfood-slash-herb, if the color weren't convincing enough."

Black seed oil, then, is a long-honored, expert-backed way to fortify your diet. But no need to rely on its reputation alone—below, we break down eight concrete benefits of black seed oil, who it might be best suited for, and how to incorporate it into your diet.

Here are just a few Benefits:

1. High in antioxidants:
"Those antioxidants help protect your cells from damage from free radicals," says registered dietitian Brigitte Zeitlin, RD, owner of BZ Nutrition. In particular, black seed oil is rich in thymoquinone, a powerful component that is good for the lungs, anti-inflammatory, and hepatoprotective (read: helps prevent damage to the liver).

2. Helps fight inflammation:
You can credit the antioxidants for black seed oil's anti-inflammatory benefits. "They can help fight inflammation in the body, reduce the risk of certain chronic illnesses, like heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease," Zeitlin says. She also mentions it can reduce the risk of some cancers; among them are blood cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer.

3. Can help reduce oxidative stress:
One small study published in the Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine investigated how black seed oil impacted oxidative stress in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Researchers split 42 subjects into two groups—one received a placebo and the other twice-daily doses of black seed oil—and found an improvement in inflammation and reduced oxidative stress for those who consumed the supplement after eight weeks. While not fully conclusive, given the size of the study, the results are promising.

4. Good for respiratory health:
This also bleeds into the next point, which is that black seed oil is believed to be a helpful aid with lung health, including guarding against conditions such as bronchial asthma. "Because antioxidants help to fight inflammation and asthma results in inflammation on the airway, black seed oil has been shown to help reduce the inflammation in that airway, helping to improve asthma control," says Zeitlin. Of course, be sure to consult a doctor before you start any treatment protocol.

5. Can potentially help lower cholesterol levels:
If you struggle with high cholesterol, black seed oil might be a worthy supplement in your pantry. "Some studies have also linked black seed oil to lowering [the risk of] heart disease by lowering cholesterol and blood pressure," Zeitlin says. "These findings, again, are linked back to the antioxidant content in the oil."

6. Helps maintain blood sugar levels:
"While there is lots of talk about black seed oil and weight loss, more research is needed for any real link to be shown," Zeitlin says. "What we have seen is that the antioxidants in black seed oil can help regulate your blood sugar levels and that blood sugar regulation does help to maintain a healthy weight."

In general, remember that keeping your blood sugar regulated is an essential part of living a healthy life. Consistently unstable blood sugar levels can increase the risk of heart and kidney disease; in the short term, unbalanced blood sugar levels can impact your mood and energy. The more you know, ya know?

7. Offers a healthy dose of fatty acids:
Robinett notes that black seed oil is rich in fatty acids. But these are considered the good, healthy, unsaturated kinds of fats, things like Omega-6 and Omega-9, which can't be naturally produced by the body. Omega-6 can help have many hair benefits, such as promoting growth and skin regeneration, while Omega-9 can help increase energy and improve mood.

8. Help with brain health:
There's is research that black seed can potentially be beneficial when it comes to memory and focus, according to one study of 20 elderly participants published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology. The study investigated the effect of Nigella sativa on memory cognition and cognitive health in elderly volunteers and had a positive impact on memory, attention, and cognition.

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