5 Leadership Traits That Will Get You Cancelled!

9 months ago

In this video, I'm discussing the five leadership traits that will get you CANCELLED faster than you can say "epic fail." We all know effective leadership requires a good understanding of what works and what doesn't, and it's crucial to avoid certain traits that can not only hinder your success but also damage your reputation irreparably.

Recently my leadership mastermind group challenged each other to all make a video addressing their 5 things that will kill credibility, undermine your authority, and just don't make for good leaders.

Check out my friend Tammy's video at @OnTheLevelLeadership at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TH_jfEOPMqc
You can see my friend Ben's video on @LeadershipJetway at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icZa0Zfv308

In this video here, we'll explore my 5 Leadership Traits That Will Get You Cancelled!

1️⃣ EGO: Don’t get ego twisted up with high confidence. When a leader thinks they are better than everyone and their ego gives off the vibe that they are untouchable, that is a problem.

2️⃣ POOR COMMUNICATION: The way we communicate matters. It isn’t about us as leaders, or what we think we said. We have to know how our team RECEIVES communication.

3️⃣ EMOTIONAL INCONSISTENCY: People are looking to leadership for vision, strength, and consistency. To use an analogy, leaders are the rudder that steers the ship. A rudder on a ship moves just a little bit, and you can end up way off course! The same is true of people…. They will follow where you lead, including emotionally!

4️⃣ FAILURE TO TAKE ACTION: If you are not taking action it displays to the people around you that you either have become apathetic to the position or the company OR they may think you don’t know WHAT to do. Either scenario erodes your credibility as a leader.

5️⃣ REFUSING TO ADAPT: Finally, I delve into the stubborn world of leaders who are stuck in their ways, resistant to change, and allergic to innovation. Adaptability is just having the willingness to change. Business moves fast today, and if leaders are not willing to move or change it can lead not just to the downfall or their team, but maybe the entire organization.

🚀 But it's not all doom and gloom! Throughout this electrifying journey, we'll also provide actionable tips and insights on how to avoid these leadership pitfalls and emerge as a more effective, respected, and influential leader.

Here are some timestamps to help you navigate through the key items I am sharing.
0:00 - Introduction
0:39 - Ego.
1:13 - Poor communication.
2:44 - Emotional Inconsistency
4:25 - Failure to take action
5:48 - Refusing to adapt
7:28 - What do you think? What's good and bad?
7:55 - The Leadership Toolkit Link. (Yeah, I pointed to the wrong side)
8:10 - Thanks for watching, please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE!

#LeadershipFails #CancelCulture #LeadershipMistakes
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