Using Financial Ratios to Pick Stocks

9 months ago

Before buying a stock, investors look at a variety of financial ratios to determine the soundness of the company, its business model and the future. Here I talk about some of the most important financial ratios to understand.

I have been investing for over 20 years using the Buffet/Munger-Graham approach after getting my MBA from Creighton University in Omaha, NE - home of Buffet. I have invested in over 30 stocks with two 10-baggers while losing money in 1 or 2 stocks at most. While my personal goals are to find more 10 baggers, I feel like I can help more people earn more than the 10% they can get by investing in index funds.

In the meantime, if your personal goal is to do better than what index funds can offer, I hope you will consider watching my videos, invest yourself and learn from both mine and your mistakes.

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