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Felt like doing some nonsense.
SPEAKING OF NONSENSE: check out my latest horror movie review on SINISTER!! Find that here:

Also, may or may not be returning tonight on The Late Show with some Alan Wake, but if not tomorrow then sometime soon and you should check The Late Show out anyway. John is a good guy. Find him/that here:

zugzug y'all, hope you're having a good week so far.

And, because I'm only concerned with entertaining myself, I'm trying to take over rumble's search engine. Namely, when you type "oikegz" into the search bar, so
How ridiculous do I have to get for this to work? We shall see!!! Also, a certain someone (shoutout to that someone, you know who you are) told me this helps. SO:
oikegz, OiKegz, kegz, kegzy
Let's see what that does. Not just for my entertainment, but now its a science experiment
And thanks for reading this far, you beautiful bitch you. I hope a butterfly lands on you and you get to name it. I also hope you find a dollar somewhere and get to keep it.

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