Deep State Cabal is murdering maiming experimenting and kidnapping children all over the world

11 months ago

It is time to take down the cabal. They are satanists who are out to take over the world, murdering billions and enslaving the rest. Ronald Bernard and the Georgia Guidestones confirm these facts. These beings are not human and have no empathy or conscience. They must be eradicated from the face of the earth. I have been afflicted with a disease that kept me from sleep and work for more than 50 years. I am thinking lashes with a cat of nine tails every day for 50 days, annually. Then imprisonment until they die of their own disease inventions using only their own addictive and side effecting prescriptions for relief. Suffering is the human experience for centuries at the hands of these satanists and they deserve nothing less.
Look up whistle blower Anne Marie van Blejinberg

Look up the site 'The Conarium' for even more proof.
They have many more evidential posts found in the description on that site.

Ronald Bernard has a site with hours of information that proves these statements.

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