As ‘Keir Starmer the Liar’ trends, are people waking up to him finally?

8 months ago

Keir Starmer The Liar continues to trend as more and more examples of his lies resurface. Are more of the public on to him?
Right, so for the second day running now, the phrase Keir Starmer the liar is trending on social media, so is this a sign that the public are finally waking up to him? He stood on so many different left wing, socialist policies when he ran for Labour leader, none of which he has kept. He has made promises to not embrace right wing press barons and yet goes running around after them and writing for them on a regular basis. He has extolled the virtues of Jeremy Corbyn and then turned around and suspended him, ostracised him and does likewise with so many of those who have supported him and his policies, he lies like a rug in effect, all of the time and for quite some time the mainstream media has turned a blind eye to it by and large, but thanks to alternative media pointing his lies out over and over, on social media at least, is this dishonesty finally going to catch up with Starmer? Are enough people now taking notice? Are people asking questions they rightfully should be at last and will the mainstream media actually ever catch up? Starmer’s dishonesty is actually destroying Labour, the polling doesn’t reflect it though, but the final poll at the ballot box just might and it could let the Tories off the hook if the message of this man’s mendaciousness doesn’t begin to sink in.
Right so, Keir Starmer is a liar, trending for the second day over on Twitter and spreading on other media platforms too is a sure sign that more people are taking notice of the man’s deceit and hypocrisy and largely this has kicked off in response to the latest Double Down News video, fronted by journalist Peter Oborne, not a guy known for his left wing leanings, but very much someone who regrets his part in the Corbyn character assassination, particularly when he sees what has resulted off the back of that. Now politicians always lie, it’s something we’re all used to, we all know, so why should this matter? Well, because prior to Starmer we actually had a politician leading Labour who, regardless of what you thought of him, was widely respected for his straight talking and his honesty. You can disagree with Corbyn’s policy positions if you like, but you can’t disagree with his belief that they were to his mind, and as a supporter of his to my mind too, the right thing for the country. There was no desire for personal gain from him, so on so many levels he was a threat to establishment interests who needed their greed-driven, dishonest, trick the public type of politicians in place to serve them and thereby serve their own selfish desires too. The country can continue to go to hell in a handcart as long as they remain the real ones in power, getting richer whilst it’s austerity for the rest of us.


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