8 months ago

I just wanted to add something. It is quite clear that the very foundation of our society has been built by the freemasons. Yet I do have to mention that sometimes members of these "secret societies" do go rouge for humanity. A prime example of that is JFK. He went against the jesuits and freemasons and paid the price.

Putin is doing the exact opposite of freemason intentions and even Klause Shwab announced the he and Putin can "no longer be friends". Putin kicked out the Rothschilds from Russia and denounced the petro dollar (Feb 2021), one year before the war started (Feb 2022). The last 2 world leaders that wanted to leave the petro dollar were Saddam, and Ghadfi. We all know what happened to them and their countries. All because they wanted to go rouge for their people. Western media does not mention that the standard of living in Libya was very comfortable and generous to its people under Ghadfi. (Putin also has a world wide warrant for George Soros)

It is little known or mentioned, that later in life, G. Washington tried to distance himself from "the brotherhood" and luciferian ideology. The further in life one goes, the more obvious it is, that there is only one true God and the rest a fraud.
Presently there is an ongoing civil war, not just within freemasonry, but within the Vatican, DoD etc. The primary divide within freemasonry was the c v inoculation. A sizeable portion of the members refused the shot, as evidenced by tennis star Novak Djokovic and Ice Cube. Just the 2 of them alone, prevented huge numbers of people from taking Fauci's hidden hand "jab". That in itself is a betrayal of the brotherhood and a death sentence.

Even further than that, the players you see on stage (tv) are just avatars. The hidden hands are their handlers "we've" never seen. It is so much deeper than most think.
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