"Veins of Venom: Unveiling the Century-Old Curse of the Sulvey Bloodline"

1 year ago

Here are examples highlighting the warnings in the Bible regarding sorcery, termed as "Pharmakeia," which is depicted as a deceptive force among nations. The term "pharmakeia" in Greek also denotes the “use of drugs,” and it's plausible that this was associated with employing drugs for casting spells, hence relating to “sorcery” and “magic.”

In Exodus 7:11, the Septuagint translates the Hebrew word for “sorcerers” as "pharamakous" (which is obviously related to pharmakia), while rendering “secret arts” at the end of the verse as pharmakia.

In Isaiah 47:9 and 12, while discussing the downfall of ancient Babylon, the Septuagint translates the Hebrew word for “sorcery” with the Greek word pharmakia. Furthermore, in the 18th chapter of the Book of Revelation, verse 23 discusses the fall of “Babylon the Great,” stating that “all nations were deceived by your sorcery,” with the Greek word for “sorcery” here being pharmakia.

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