Miners and Businesses from QLD and the Hunter Valley Let Down by the Fair Work Act

8 months ago

I've been raising the issue of the exploitation of miners for years. Miners and small businesses need to be heard because they are the losers in this ongoing rort. We need an extensive inquiry into it now.

The Fair Work Act is designed for the "industrial relations club," not for workers and not for small businesses.

I've written twice about this issue to the previous member for the Hunter, Joel Fitzgibbon. I've also written and hand delivered a letter to Dan Repacholi's office. I asked them to get involved. Both have failed to respond, yet they stand up and talk in this chamber about closing the loophole.

There is no loophole! There is only people not doing their job and letting down miners and small businesses.

When will these people find it in themselves to care, or at least do something about the fact that everyday Australians are being ripped off and the authorities are enabling it?

Transcript: https://www.malcolmrobertsqld.com.au/miners-and-businesses-from-qld-and-the-hunter-valley-let-down-by-the-fair-work-act/

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