Perfect Dark Combat Simulator Custom Setup (Actual N64 Capture) - Car Park

9 months ago

This is a capture of one of my custom Combat Simulator setups in Perfect Dark for the Nintendo 64. This is not an emulator. This footage was recorded directly from my Nintendo 64 using an actual Perfect Dark cartridge.

I purchased Perfect Dark on its release day back in 2000 and proceeded to create various custom Combat Simulator setups, all of which are straight deathmatches. I am showcasing my setups because I think they're fun and people would enjoy trying them. Some of these setups are approximately 15 years old.

The Car Park is an excellent map for using the Slayer and its fly-by-wire function. This setup is designed so that you can control the top floor of the building and reign down death from above via the stairwells. The Laptop Gun spawns on the upper portion of the top floor and provides some protection (through the Sentry Gun mode) since you can't cover all four stairwells simultaneously. Some enemy Simulants are sure to make it up to the top floor at least a few times. The Slayer spawns on the lower portion of the top floor and gives you your endless supply of rockets to fire down the stairwells.

After you set up your Sentry Gun, you're good to start firing fly-by-wire rockets down the stairwells and getting triple/quadruple kills and all that good stuff. There's also an X-Ray Scanner that spawns in the upper stairwell. If you feel like it, you can use it to see how many people are in each stairwell and just screw around. This setup can be a lot of fun if you have four people playing because each person can cover a specific stairwell. Try this setup and blow some shit up!

Here's the setup for this game.

Scenario: Combat

Arena: Car Park

1. Laptop Gun
2. Devastator
3. Slayer
4. Remote Mine
5. Rocket Launcher
6. X-Ray Scanner

Time: 10 minutes
Score: 30
Team Score: 50

1. RocketSim (Perfect Difficulty - Yellow Team)
2. KazeSim (Perfect Difficulty - Yellow Team)
3. PreySim (Perfect Difficulty - Yellow Team)
4. CowardSim (Perfect Difficulty - Yellow Team)
5. FeudSim (Perfect Difficulty - Yellow Team)
6. VengeSim (Perfect Difficulty - Yellow Team)

The background music is A51 Escape.

Recorded with the Hauppauge HD PVR and the official N64 S-video cable with native widescreen mode enabled. I used a Toshiba model D-R550 DVD Recorder to standardize the N64's native 240p/480i signal so that the Hauppauge could capture the console's audio/video signal.

I'm using a standard Nintendo 64 controller.

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