October 4th and October 11th, 2023 – What do the Neuralink Masters have Planned?

8 months ago

The events are related to the Akashic Records on Earth. The Akashic Records are energetic collective memories of both humans lives, past, future abd now and the living Earth, called the Collective Consciousness.

The elite entities on this planet controlling the minions who we call political leaders, call themselves the Neural Link Masters.

They are attempting to manipulate time and space by using Vibrations transmitted through Smart Devices. These devices can receive frequencies from Satellites.

The primary influence at this time are smart tvs.

What is the Main Objective?

To tamper with the Cosmic and Planetary Akashic Records of Knowledge and Information to manipulate the Collective Consciousness as a whole. They are trying to erase and rewrite history and memories. For those who are privy, they are trying to play God.

This will be called Quantum Broadcasting - just the opposite of Quantum Healing.

They will transmit Quantum Entangled Signals. In short, multidimensional signals that can enter multiple timeliness, past, present and future.

These signals will have the ability to affect the consciousness stream of each of us. This is how they copy and paste time and manipulate memories of events in the Matrix.

They want to Erase memory and History of Ascended Masters, like Jesus.

They not only want to delete our Akashic Memory Bank, but they want to Rewrite it fit their narrative, to get us fixed/tuned to their narrative.

The plan involves using Embedded Subliminal Messages which will be hidden within the Smart Devices, especially Mainstream TV News, Pharmaceutical Advertisements and Hollywood shows.

They want to change our memories, perceptions and beliefs about certain historical events.

The best way to stop these scheduled events is to imagine a loving shield of energy over all beings and smart devices. Consciousness and Awareness is the key.

You can also call upon Angels and Spirit to help place a shield of light and love energy around smart devices and yourself and family.

We are in a waking up process and it scares them as the collective consciousness of love will conquer them, so they are doing everything they can to stop the great awakening of conscious evolution.

Our leaders of this world are chosen, selected idiots and many not even human. They only care about Money as money controls the Matrix.

Connect the Dots: Neuralink, Satellite Transmissions to Smart Devices, Elon Musk.
What was Elon Musk for Halloween?

The Baphomet. That should say it all right there.

They can no longer hide their evil. We just weren’t seeing it.

Light is overtaking the Dark and they are being Exposed.

SOURCES: SAM THE ILLUSIONIST – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgL5VCJvQdESam The illusionist - Transcripts of Channeling Sessions 2 August 2023-compressed.pdf - Google Drive – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1w9yrqAsovdrDxeT7W8YY4vQRuMMVZN9R/view

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