What is the Gospel and how do you obey it? | Ep. 114 soundbite 6

9 months ago

"So now we return back to my question what is the Gospel and how does one obey it? It's right there. We obey the gospel through the blood, the water and the Spirit. Just as they did in the days of old, so do we in the days of the new covenant, in this period of grace that it's called. But we're not going to continue ceremonial laws. We're not going to continue the old covenant, because that was done away with by what Jesus did. Jesus fulfilled all the law. So now it looks different, but the principle is the same. There's still a spirit, there's still a water, there's still a blood."

To listen to the full audio podcast, you can use the following direct link:
What is the Gospel and how do you obey it? | Ep. 114 - https://www.buzzsprout.com/1585741/13637556

#shorts #obeythegospel #thegospel #spiritwaterblood #bloodwaterspirit

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