Labour will add 20% VAT to private school fees within first year of winning power

8 months ago

Labour would introduce VAT on private school fees immediately if it wins power, meaning parents could be hit with higher charges as soon as the first academic year after the general election, i can reveal. Senior Labour figures told i the party will end the charitable status of independent schools as soon as possible if it enters No 10, rather than “phasing” it in across several academic years as was previously assumed. Sir Keir Starmer has pledged that a Labour government would strip private schools of their charitable status, which makes them eligible for tax relief and a reduction in business rates.

Labour will add 20% VAT to private school fees within first year of winning power

Private schools have warned that they will be forced to quit the Teachers’ Pension Scheme (TPS) if Labour rolls out its planned tax raid on the sector as soon as next year. i revealed on Monday that Labour will introduce VAT on private school fees immediately if it wins power, meaning parents could be hit with higher charges as soon as the first academic year after the general election. Sir Keir Starmer has promised the policy will help “shatter the class ceiling” and redistribute wealth more evenly across British schools.

Private schools say they’ll be ‘forced to quit teacher pension scheme’ under Labour’s VAT plans

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