Here's What 60 Minutes 'Discovered' About Ukraine And Our Tax Dollars

10 months ago

I'll kick things off here with a reminder that bankruptcies in the U.S. are on the rise, presumably assisted by the wonderful "Bidenomics" the White House keeps laughably bragging about: BREAKING: Americans filed more than 39,000 bankruptcy cases in August, an 18% increase from the same point last year.

With that in mind, at least President Biden is doing something to help small businesses, farmers and first responders. No, not in the U.S.! -- The U.S. has sent more than $70 billion worth of aid to Ukraine since Russian troops crossed its border last year. But now a battle is brewing in Washington over the Biden administration's request for over $20 billion more.

Many Republicans in Congress are opposed – hardliners in the House want to cut off all funding; others are demanding more oversight. We went to Ukraine to get some answers for the people who are bankrolling the war: American taxpayers. How exactly is your money being spent? And who's watching the weapons and the cash to make sure they end up where they're intended?

Take a look at what 60 Minutes "discovered": The U.S. is financing more than weapons in Ukraine. The government is buying seeds/fertilizer for farmers, paying the salaries of 57,000 first responders and subsidizing small businesses. If this is all so great, we should just be told. It shouldn’t be something a news outlet has to “discover.” It's almost like this administration's trying to avoid transparency. Meanwhile, Americans continue to sink into the economic quicksand that is "Bidenomics." Next November can't come fast enough -- and hopefully it's not too late by then.

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