The Mismanagement of Fact-Finding Hearings

1 year ago

I see Family Court Judges outrageously mismanaging Practice Directions 12J, ordering potentially thousands of nonsensical fact-finding hearings, that have no real necessity, proportionality, purpose or relevance to child contact, These Judges are failing to differentiate real allegations of abhorrent abuse of real domestic abuse that we all understand, from the spurious allegations that are being made on an industrial scale by the mostly mothers. In failing to manage this I am seeing reputations, relationships, lives and childhoods being institutionally destroyed. If you agree, Contact me today at

#lightnothate #mckenziefriend #thecourtsaid #mentoo #coercivecontrol #domesticabuse #familylaw #familylawyers #familycourt #cafcass #divorce #dads #separation #parentalalienation #pa #barcouncil #fathers

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