Plunge-POP S01E07 w' special guest, Glenn B Fleming (Artist Author & Filmmaker)

9 months ago

With the launch of his latest book, ‘Hatch Annotated', Aru chats to Glenn B Fleming who along with being an Artist, Author, Cartoonist and Painter. He is also a Filmmaker, Publisher and Podcaster.

Which is why we have on at this later time slot since he is Mancunian and the English are 12hrs in the past to us Kiwis.

What is Plunge -POP?
*Plunge -POP is a series where I chat with YouTubers about their journey to YouTube. Their background, education and passion for their fandoms and hobbies. From filmmakers to publishers and comedians to toy collectors. Each one has something interesting to add to their passionate voices in fandom.

So make sure to hit the 'Notify' button so that you don't miss out on the livestream.

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