America is not asking anymore. Shut it down!

1 year ago

The American people understand the "GAMES" being played against them, now. It takes time... but once you see how the "TRICK" is played, you are no longer hypnotized by the "BULL-SH*T"!

America is 33 Trillion in debt, yet these puppets in DC want to continue to keep spending at these record rates -- because you will have to pay the price if they are wrong.

No, No, No.... This is Middle America (the Working Class Wage Earners) vs. the "CABAL" -- who's only plan is to permanently enslave you.

You have the Power -- You Action/Involvement are changing the course of history -- so don't stop speaking up, and getting involved where you live.

This fight has only just begun -- we have another 16 months to go.
I hope to see you all on the battlefield.

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