"He Shot My Arm Off!" Store Owner Fights Back Against Armed Robber

11 months ago

In a harrowing turn of events at a liquor store in Norco, California, a fearless and quick-thinking store owner stepped into action to prevent a potentially deadly armed robbery. This heart-pounding incident unfolded when a masked individual brazenly entered the establishment with criminal intent, intent on making off with ill-gotten gains.

As the would-be robber, his face concealed by a mask, menacingly brandished a weapon, the courageous liquor store owner refused to become a victim. With unwavering determination, he seized a shotgun, which he kept for security, and made the split-second decision to defend his livelihood and the safety of those present.

In a dramatic showdown, the store owner confronted the armed assailant, his finger on the trigger, ready to protect his business. The would-be robber was left with no choice but to flee in the face of the determined resistance. The shotgun blast served as a resounding message: this store owner was not going down without a fight.

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