Trails of Cold Steel part 46: Sachsen Iron Mine chaos! The Noble Faction really IS behind this?!

10 months ago

Welcome back to Erebonia, folks! In this next episode of Trails of Cold Steel, the troubles in Roer continue..! The dangerous robot tank in the factory turned out to be a distraction, with the Imperial Liberation Front capturing the Sachsen iron mine while the RMP were busy helping in the city! Upon investigating, the cadets of Class VII find that the Provincial Army has blockaded the mine, preventing the RMP from trying to attempt a rescue of the miners. They claim that it's to ensure their safety, but Fie isn't so sure... and when Angelica arrives with George, that's confirmed! Her uncle, a member of the Noble Faction is the one in charge of the factory that was attacked and she has evidence that he's been allowing ore and supplies to to be distributed off the record... the Noble Faction is up to something here and the I.L.F. seems to be a part of it...!
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