Jasmin Speaks WAKE UP CALL

9 months ago

🇬🇧🦁#BCFF The Amazing Jasmin gives an inspiring speech, breaking things down for more than the children & Been chatting with Jasmins Dad Ian for the last hour or so & get pleasure In making these videos & the more that see them the better so sharing is caring People. Am interviewing them later today on a #BCA Podcast hours before they set off to China on an educational adventure around China 🇨🇳
Original version here https://www.bitchute.com/video/jQUg7sm6AUEf/?fbclid=IwAR2UtRr7ER2UYm2mt2FHcRwAKccjLj-C6R_PXL6tmMmsPK7UnmAB4it1ZLM


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