Perfect Dark Combat Simulator Custom Setup (Actual N64 Capture) - Warehouse

9 months ago

This is a capture of one of my custom Combat Simulator setups in Perfect Dark for the Nintendo 64. This is not an emulator. This footage was recorded directly from my Nintendo 64 using an actual Perfect Dark cartridge.

I purchased Perfect Dark on its release day back in 2000 and proceeded to create various custom Combat Simulator setups, all of which are straight deathmatches. I am showcasing my setups because I think they're fun and people would enjoy trying them. Some of these setups are approximately 15 years old.

The Warehouse map features a central room with a massive mound of crates in the center. For some reason, the AI is obsessed with this room and will keep trying nonstop to get on top of that mound. My setup is based on exploiting this odd feature. So this is essentially a king of the hill battle within a deathmatch.

I set the SuperDragon to spawn on top of the crates, giving me an endless supply of grenades to shoot from my perch up above. And it just so happens that there's this small little platform on top of the crate stack itself where an ammo box spawns. I like to sit on top of that platform and reign down death from above while the ammo box keeps respawning underneath me and replenishing my supply of grenades. Since there is only one ladder leading up to the top of the mound, and the AI has OCD with regard to the mound of crates, I just shoot at the ladder whenever I see someone on my radar. You can also reign down explosive death on any other section of the room, including doorways.

Because the AI is just relentless in assaulting this room, I have two PerfectSims on my team to help. As soon as you start this match, you'll need to get on top of the mound and order your PerfectSims to "Hold" the specific spot where you saw me give the command (They hold wherever you were standing when you entered the command). Make sure the PerfectSims are off to the side and not blocking the ladder. The sooner you do this, the better, because you'll have an incredibly hard time gaining control of the mound by yourself. If you need some escorts to help secure the mound in the first place, set your Sims to "Follow" or "Protect" so they'll protect you wherever you go, then switch them to "Hold" once you get on top of the mound.

Here's the setup for this game.

Scenario: Combat

Arena: Warehouse

1. MagSec 4
2. CMP150
3. SuperDragon
4. Proximity Mine
5. Remote Mine
6. X-Ray Scanner

Time: 10 minutes
Score: 35
Team Score: 60

1. PerfectSim:1 (Red Team)
2. PerfectSim:2 (Red Team)
3. PeaceSim (Hard Difficulty - Blue Team)
4. KazeSim (Hard Difficulty - Blue Team)
5. FeudSim (Hard Difficulty - Blue Team)
6. SpeedSim (Hard Difficulty - Blue Team)
7. VengeSim (Hard Difficulty - Blue Team)

The background music is dataDyne Action.

Recorded with the Hauppauge HD PVR and the official N64 S-video cable with native widescreen mode enabled. I used a Toshiba model D-R550 DVD Recorder to standardize the N64's native 240p/480i signal so that the Hauppauge could capture the console's audio/video signal.

I'm using a standard Nintendo 64 controller.

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