9 months ago

The BORDER STATES of AMERICA with Nick Searcy

Tea Party Patriots

Oct 16, 2014
Please visit for more information about this film.

An unprecedented wave of illegal immigration is washing over America, threatening the fabric of our nation. But the Obama Administration refuses to enforce our immigration laws, resulting in tens of thousands of people illegally entering the US. Now, our new film reveals the full scope of this crisis.

The Border States of America takes viewers from the Rio Grande Valley to towns across the country, telling the story of human smugglers and drug cartels who profit from Obama’s policies; of American citizens whose lives are put at risk; and the social and economic toll on our communities. We cut through the fog to bring you the truth about what is really happening with the border crisis.

Television and film star Nick Searcy has come on board to narrate The Border States of America. He is an accomplished actor, director, and producer with a career spanning more than 30 years in cinema, television, and on the stage. With dozens of starring and supporting roles across a wide range of feature films and TV shows under his belt, we couldn't be more excited to have him help tell this story.

Key moments
0:24 GROUND FLOOR VIDEO production
1:00 Story Editor Pritchett Cotten
10:37 June 15th 2012 Presidential Memo Establishes DACA Policy

Reading List
*Camp of the Saints by Jean Raspail
*Weapons Mass Migration K M Greenhill

At US/Mexico Border (56:19)

Border Crisis Manufactures (17:29)

Border Problem Solved (46:13)

Border States of America (58:04)

Camp of the Saints (38:30)

Not Just About Border (30:33)

What's Happening at Border (46:55)

Border/Migrant/Refugee Odysee

Border/Migrant/Refugee YouTube

@DK321 (edited)
America is a great country..i am a naturalized immigrant that has been through due process and properly vetted before attaining citizenship
I am all for securing our borders

A big 'THANK YOU' ! I salute to all the law and order policemen and all the border patrol officers. Pray God to protect you all from harm when carrying out your job. Also pray that our government can provide all you need to help get your job done well!

Thank you for your participation in this project, Nick Searcy!

I sent this to many social media. I included the President and members of his press! God Bless America... protect and save

Great video. Very enlightening. All American citizens need to watch this video.

White, black or brown. You have to feel bad and sorrow for the lady that lost her son because of an illegal immigrant. Doesn't matter where he's from Mexico, China, Russia. It doesn't matter. What matters is that this person did not follow the law from coming into the country to driving without proper knowledge of the road rules and maybe even without a Valid license

Thank you for talking about DACA. I'm from Britain and my wife is Texan. We have been in the legal immigration process for over a year now due to the impact of DACA on processing of immigrant visas for those that wish to follow the law of the land. We've also paid thousands of dollars for the privilege, but feel that DACA applicants have been prioritised over us. We're just one in thousands.

Well done! Thank you so much for spreading the truth!!

Thank you so much for making this! I'm sharing it with everyone and encouraging them to share. Politicians (Republican Party)keep asking me for money and I email them back and say, "I KNOW you support amnesty, so why would I send money to you when you want to harm us? I feel more comfortable sending my money directly to candidates that have my best interest in mind!" Keep in kind, Dems and Republicans support this. There are some Republicans that do not support amnesty, give your money to them!

Thank You !!! U.S. Sheriffs and Border Patrol. May Heaven Bless You All.

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