TTLR EP506: Jeff Greenfield - Emerging Thought Leader: How To Reinvent Your Brand

8 months ago

“One of the coolest things about magic is that one of the secrets of magic is that most humans, when we tend to try to solve a problem, we think in a linear fashion and as magicians, we quickly figure that out. So instead of going A to B to C, we just go A to C. We kind of skip steps, and that's how we're able to do things and outwit you.”

Our guest,​​Jeff Greenfield is the CEO and Founder of Provalytics. His journey from a magician to a thought leader in the marketing and attribution space is nothing short of remarkable. He started his career as a magician and later became a chiropractor but returned to his passion for magic due to an injury.

Jeff discusses the critical challenges marketers encounter when trying to measure the effectiveness of their multi-channel marketing campaigns. He emphasizes the growing need for advanced measurement tools, especially in a marketing landscape evolving under the influence of privacy regulations and the declining use of internet cookies. Jeff's insightful take on thought leadership as the power to drive industry progress, sharing valuable insights, and earning recognition is a recurring theme, showcasing his significant influence in the marketing and attribution sphere.

Expert action steps:

-Exercise. You’ve got to get up and move everyday.
-You've got to eat better.
-Sleep. You’ve got to have eight hours a night, at least.
Get an Attribution Certification for free, by going to his website:

To learn more about Jeff, visit his website:

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