Go Figure, Another Liar

1 year ago

Liars May Figure But Figures Don't Lie

In 1973, the Yom Kippur war sparked an 'oil crisis' in the United States.

The tide of war turned against the Arabs only after the Unites States, on orders from Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, airlifted in huge quantities of the most highly sophisticated weaponry in America's arsenal and reinforced the Israelis.

It was America's weapons that tilted the scales against the Arabs

But was this crisis real or a hoax?

The war led to an alleged Arab oil embargo, causing long lines at gas stations and rising tensions.

Americans were forming ling lines at the gas stations and, amid rising tension, numerous fights broke out among agitated drivers as they awaited their allotments.

Federal authorities cited a 'grave oil shortage' as the reason for restrictions on drivers.

However, Lloyd's of London revealed that during the supposed 'embargo', more tankers sailed from Middle East ports than before.

This information was largely suppressed by American media. Even though it was carried by European newspapers.

As the phony 'crisis' developed, as prices skyrocketed and as an independent gas station were forced to close down for lack of fuel,

As prices skyrocketed, rumors circulated that major oil companies were stockpiling gasoline.

In one case, drivers employed by Arco, whose presidnet Thorton Bradshaw is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (the Invisible Government), were working long hours of overtime hauling excess fuel to storage facilities in the Mojave desert.

Meanwhile, the 'energy crisis' was allowed to escalate, threatening to drown the nation in debt.

Political Analyst Bruce Herschensohn argued that the solution was energy self-sufficiency.

He criticized measures like 'windfall' profits taxes and gasoline rationing as absurd.

Instead, he advocated for tapping into our own energy reserves.

Having 24% of the world's energy reserves, the U.S. refused to become self-sufficient. 24%

The following were dismissed for various reasons off-shore development nuclear energy coal

Meanwhile, the government continued to confiscate American oil company profits and pay OPEC a fortune.

In conclusion, Herschensohn argued that we don't need new energy taxes and legislation.

Instead, we need to repeal previous energy taxes, tap into our own energy, and make our nation independent once again.

In the years that have elapsed since the contrived energy crisis, and Washington multi-billion per year 'Department of Energy' which has been allowed to explode into a situation that threatens to swamp the nation in an ocean of red ink.

the price of gas has multiplied by 500 percent, inflation has reached 22 percent or more, the automobile the industry is reeling in disarray, unemployment is soaring --- and our representatives in Washington refuse to take positive action to solve the problem. Not only so, but they have also implemented measures that are specifically designed to greatly worsen the situation.

The shocking truth is that "All the perils of the world today, whether they be in Iran, Afghanistan, or the Middle East, have one element in common...oil.

All these measures are being proposed are absurd...' windfall' profits taxes, gasoline rationing, tax incentives for home insulation, rapid transit, no driving one day a week...

It's tragic because there is only one logical the solution to our reliance on foreign oil and that's not to have to rely on it.

OPEC has four-and-a-half percent of the world's energy reserves ----
That's ALL.



Those 'greedy Arabs' who, allegedly, are rolling in wealth a the expense of the American public?

First glances are often misleading, Arabs have, for the best part of the 20th century, been under the control and direction of the international money elite and the oil companies that they control.

the monopolists call the shots---and reap the rewards. The fact that the Arabs get cut in for a piece of the action is just fine with the 'Big Boys."

The Arabs take the 'heat,' while the International Bankers and their associates take the money. A servant is worthy of his hire!

The End Minutemen

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